Sunday, January 27, 2008

Wish board

I thought of The Secret, how they suggest you put up a Wish Board with things you want to attract to yourself, to your life. This is what I tried to do here. Still a few things missing, but it's a good start.
One of them is a puppy. I think my favorite thing in the world are puppies. Puppy breath, puppy cuteness... there's nothing bad about them and they are all it takes to make me happy.
A house by the ocean. Because they make me happy too. All these things make me happy, so I won't repeat it... I see myself coming in to the house one late summer afternoon, it's warm and there's a breeze, smells like ocean. That tree in the picture tastes like salt, and it gives me peace. The house smells peaceful too. It can be silent, or fun, or a myriad other ways but it always feels like home.
A nice kitchen, because my cooking craze hasn't gone away yet, and because I want to make delicious food there and feed friends and familly and pets and take them to other rhelms of gastronomic delight and make them feel mothered, at home. Give my children and loved ones good memories, make them feel safe.
Which takes me to the next photo, the babie and the puppies. I was looking for "comunity, friends" but that photo looked perfect. Pets are our best friends. Humans make mistakes. Pets don't. you don't expect much from them so they won't disapoint. I beleive they are special gifts from God, the teach unconditional love, and teach to live in the moment.
Peace, inside me. Peace when i look back at my past and see the choices i've made and who I've become. Peace in the world. May people be able to detach from their wounds and see things at a larger scale, see we are all one. And when we hate others we hate ourselves.
Freedom, is my highest value in life. I think it's a sin and crime to not allow someone else to do whatever it is they are moved to do, unless it will interfere with someone else's freedom. I hope I have more and more freedom to discover and be myself and help others do the same. It's the biggest gift in life. God gave us freedom of choice, it's what allows us to make mistakes and learn, evolve....etc. there would be alot to say about this.
Last but not least, :) a fireplace to soothe my soul and help me get over winter blues. Cozy.


Devil Mood said...

That's a lovely idea. There's nothing that I want more than peace (and freedom) but,now that I think of it, it's probably the hardest thing to achieve.

Devil Mood said...

Oh and puppies:)
My dog died this summer and I miss him terribly :( There's a big hole in my house

Violet said...

will u do your own wish board? it's nice. i like this post. can't spot looking at the pictures. specially the puppy. for me having a dog is dependent on having a real house, with outside space, so they have space to run whenever they want, and where i can gro fruit trees... i hope it won't take much longer.

Violet said...

geez so many typos in such short text :) spot=stop, specially=especially, gro=grow

Violet said...

do u consider getting another dog soon?

Devil Mood said...

Yes (I'll do the post) and yes I want another dog. I wanted one from the moment my dog died. But at the same time I'm enjoying the lack of responsability right now.Because my dog was really high-maintenance and peculiar and we spent a lot of time taking care of him.

MySepiaSoul said...

That's a lovely post and a terrific idea. I've been inspired by that.